Media Parking
Our policy is approved by our Chief Executive Officer, Teresa Burrola, who determines the media parking policy as communicated by Merced County Fair Communications Department. Working media is identified below as those media personnel who have obtained approved Merced County Fair-Issued media credentials.
This Policy Is Necessary In Order To:
Accommodate working media quickly and efficiently.
Protect parking space availability for all media professionals working on-site during the Fair.
Assist Fair personnel in identifying the location of reporters for easy access transport on the Fairgrounds.
Media Parking Policy
Working Media Parking is to park in the 11th Street Parking Lot
With a Fair-issued Media Credential, Working Media will gain free access into this parking lot. NOTE: Station and/or Publication media credentials or marked vehicles will not suffice; you must have a Merced County Fair-issued Media Credential
Free access into the 11th Street Parking Lot is for working media only; persons who use this area for personal use may have their privileges of access to this media parking area revoked.
Entrance On Grounds
Working media will be required to show their Merced County Fair-issued Media Credential at the Fairgrounds entrance from the 11th Street Parking Lot.
They will wait at gate until a member of the Communications Team meets them to escort them on grounds and assist with any media requesets, etc.
Who Can Access VIP Gate Entrance?
ALL live trucks have access to the VIP Gate entrance, but ONLY live trucks. All other vehicles transporting reporters or traveling cameras must park in the 11th Street Parking Lot.
NOTE: Proper media credentials are required for all passengers in each vehicle. Contact the Communications Department Director Danielle Griffin directly at (559) 967-3604 prior to your arrival and a representative will meet you at the 11th Street Parking Lot or the VIP Gate Entrance to escort you on grounds.