Health & Safety Measures
The Merced County Fair Board, Management and Staff are committed to providing a healthy and safe, family-friendly event for the community to enjoy that aligns with all guidelines provided by Merced County and State health and safety officials. This extends from the annual Merced County Fair to the variety of events held at the fairgrounds throughout the year.
For its annual event, the Sheriff’s Office along with Merced Police Department, Merced County Adult and Juvenile Probation, State Parole, Riggs Ambulance Service, CAL Fire, California Highway Patrol and Merced City Fire all work seamlessly to uphold the safety of its fairgoers.
Each Fairgoer goes through a screening process to enter the grounds, which includes walk-through metal detectors to ensure none of the prohibit items are entering the fairgrounds. For a list of prohibited items click here.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Awareness & Prevention
As a major event facility, Merced County Fairgrounds is monitoring and reviewing information related to flu season and COVID-19. We continue to take extra precautions to further protect guests at year round events and the annual Merced County Fair, which are as follows:
Adding additional hand washing stations.
Making alcohol hand sanitizers available at select locations.
Posting signage encouraging employees and patrons to wash their hands.
Enhancing the janitorial cleaning schedule for select facilities where appropriate.
Encouraging persons who feel unwell (i.e. fever, cough, respiratory problems) to stay home (employees and event patrons.)
In preparation for events at the Fairgrounds and the annual Merced County Fair, we are staying in contact with our State leadership and will be communicating recommendations to our renters.
If you have questions, please contact us at info@mercedcountyfair.com.